Beautiful Public Land, Our Podcast Beginning

mount rainier, seattle, mountain, public land,
Mount Rainier

We finally kicked off our first episode of the podcast. The original idea was to talk about public land, the history of them, and different types. The episode ended up just being kind of a mix of talking about everything. A good introduction to all the stuff out there we can and will talk about in the future but kind of all over the place at the same time. It was a lot of fun though. I think starting the podcast, and ending the episode, were a little awkward, but we will get better. I also, need to get a lot better at my editing, noise reduction, and audio quality in general. Again, I think that will mostly come with time as we learn.

We learned some stuff on this episode, talked about conservation a bit, and the different types of public land. Did you know that 28% of all US land is designated as public land? This is about 640 million acres. Most of this land is in the western third of the country. I (we) are fortunate enough to live in a state with a vast amount of public land, almost 64%. This offers endless possibilities for things to do in the outdoors, from hunting, fishing, camping, hiking.

Public Land, National Forrest, Hunting
Public Land In the Evening – From out InstaGram

Next week, I think, will be a lot more focused. I like forward to recording another episode. Please be sure to check out the episode on our Podcast section of the website. You can also find it on Spotify, or Pocket Casts and will be available on all your favorite podcasting apps shortly. We are also starting a twitter, and instagram so be sure to follow us there as well for future content. We appreciate you stopping by and I hope you stick around to come with us on this journey of ours learning about everything the great outdoors has to offer.